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现疫情下雇佣与劳动政策及常见问题解读 Employment FAQs during 2019-CoV Outbreak



Authors: Grace Yang, Shane Luo, Qi Kong

一 政策解读 Policy Interpretation

      Q1 春节法定节假日延长到几号?

      On which day will the extended Chinese New Year holiday end?


According to the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Extension of the 2020 Chinese New Year Holiday (Circular No. 1 issued in 2020), the 2020 Chinese New Year (“CNY”) holiday will be extended to 2 February 2020 (i.e., the ninth day of the first lunar month, Sunday), and employees who are unable to take time off during the holiday due to their engagement in the epidemic prevention and control work should be granted compensatory leave for extra time worked in accordance with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China (“Labor Law”) and get paid for the untaken holiday in accordance with the relevant policies.

      Q2 上海市政府延迟复工至何时?

      On which day can the companies in Shanghai restart their operations that were suspended due to the CNY holiday?


      On 27 January 2020, the Shanghai Municipal Government issued the Circular on Postponing the Restart of Operations for Enterprises and the Start of the Spring Semester for Schools and Universities in Shanghai, requiring all enterprises in Shanghai not to restart their operations until 24:00, 9 February 2020. With the exception of those engaged in the listed industries and those relating to national interest and people's livelihood, all enterprises in Shanghai should not restart their operations until 10 February 2020 (Monday), unless otherwise instructed.

      Q3 企业需要提前复工如何处理?

      What if an enterprise needs to restart its operations ahead of the specified date?


      It should report to the local epidemic prevention and control command center at the town or street level or the industrial park for their record together with explanatory materials, and may restart its operations upon approval. 

      Q4 如果不执行相关延迟复工的通知将导致什么后果?

      To what extent can an employer be held liable if it fails to comply with the instructions set forth in these circulars?


      In accordance with Article 77 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (“LPCID”), an entity or individual that causes the spread or prevalence of infectious diseases in violation of the provisions of the LPCID, causing bodily injuries or property damage to others, shall be held civilly liable therefor in accordance with the law.

      进一步,根据《中华人民共和国刑法》第三百三十条规定,违反传染病防治法的规定,有下列情形之一,引起甲类传染病传播或者有传播严重危险的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;后果特别严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑:  ......(四)拒绝执行卫生防疫机构依照传染病防治法提出的预防、控制措施的。单位犯前款罪的,对单位判处罚金,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依照前款的规定处罚。甲类传染病的范围,依照《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》和国务院有关规定确定。

      Furthermore, Article 330 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China provides that “whoever causes the occurrence of any of the following circumstances in violation of the provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, resulting in the spread or potential spread of a Class-A infectious disease, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; in the case of especially serious violations, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years: ... (iv) refusing to implement the preventive and control measures proposed by the health/anti-epidemic institutions in accordance with the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases. Where an entity commits any of the crimes mentioned in the preceding paragraph, it shall pay a fine, and its personnel directly in charge and other personnel directly responsible in the crime shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. The scope of Class-A infectious diseases shall be defined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the LPCID and the relevant regulations of the State Council”.

      Q5 春节期间直至2月9日期间相关假日或休息日的性质认定及工资支付标准?

How to define the nature of the holiday/rest days during the period from the start of the Chinese New Year holiday to 9 February 2020? Which wage rates will apply for the holiday/rest days?


      Based on the circulars issued by the General Office of the State Council and the Shanghai Municipal Government, with further reference to the speech by Mr. Fei Yuqing, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, at the press conference on the afternoon of 28 January 2020, the chart below shows how to define the nature of the holiday/rest days during the period from 24 January 2020 to 9 February 2020 and which wage rates will apply for the holiday/rest days.

      Q6 如果企业因疫情影响,在2月9日后仍推迟复工的,之后期间企业应如何支付员工工资?

      If an enterprise further postpones the restart of its operations after 9 February 2020 due to the impact of the existing epidemic, how should it pay its employees during this period?


      If this period falls within the same pay period, the employer should pay its employees based on the wage rates stipulated in their employment contracts; if this period spans two pay periods, the wage rates applicable for this period shall be no lower than the local minimum wage standard.

      Q7 针对从外地回沪的员工,员工自行在家隔离14天期间,是否应当视为出勤?

      Should an employee be deemed to have come to work normally during the 14-day quarantine period after he/she returns to Shanghai?


      During the 14-day period, the employer may, as required by the quarantine policy, arrange for the employee to work from home and should pay him/her based on the wage rate applicable as if he/she has come to work normally. There is still controversy as to whether an employer can arrange for an employee to take annual leave during this period. Therefore, we need further official clarification on whether an employer can arrange for an employee to take annual leave without the voluntary application from the employee.

      Q8 隔离期间、医学观察期间的工资如何支付?

      How to pay an employee during the quarantine/medical observation period?


      He/she should get paid as if he/she has come to work normally.


      Paragraph 2 of Article 41 of the LPCID stipulates that the employer shall pay the employee during the quarantine period. Article 15 of the Measures of the Shanghai Municipality for Payment of Wages by Enterprises also specify that the employer shall pay the employee during the quarantine/medical observation period as if he/she has provided normal labor.

      2020年1月24日,人力资源社会保障部办公厅《关于妥善处理新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控期间劳动关系问题的通知》(人社厅发明电〔2020〕5 号)的有关规定亦明确了此项原则。

      This principle is also restated in the Circular on the Proper Handling of Employment Issues during the Prevention and Control of the Pneumonia Outbreak Caused by the Novel Coronavirus Infection (Circular No. 5 issued in 2020) issued by the General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on 24 January 2020.

      Q9 如员工确诊2019新型冠状病毒感染后,职工的工资待遇如何支付?

      How to pay an employee who is confirmed to have 2019 novel coronavirus?


      Medical staff and related personnel who are confirmed to have 2019 novel coronavirus due to performance of their duties should be deemed to have sustained a work-related injury.


      If an employee (other than medical staff) is confirmed to have 2019 novel coronavirus, generally his/her employer should determine his/her medical treatment period based on his/her years of service and pay him/her (sick leave pay) during the medical treatment period in accordance with Shanghai Municipality’s regulations. However, if an employee in a non-medical position is confirmed to have 2019 novel coronavirus due to his/her compliance with a work order given by his/her employer (such as an emergency and disaster relief order or a “risk-taking” order), his/her employer's potential liability shall be determined in accordance with the work-related injury or tort laws on a case by case basis.

      Q10 如员工在隔离期间、医学观察期间,及因政府实施隔离措施或采取其他紧急措施期间劳动合同到期的,是否可以按到期解除与员工的劳动关系?

      Can an employer terminate its employment relationship with an employee if his/her employment contract expires within the quarantine/medical observation period or within the period the government implements quarantine measures or takes other emergency measures?


      No. The employment contract should be extended to the expiration date of the respective period accordingly.

      Q11 企业可否以经济性裁员、无过失性辞退(即医疗期满、不胜任本职工作、劳动合同订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化)为由解除在隔离治疗期间或医学观察期间以及因政府实施隔离措施或采取其他紧急措施不能提供正常劳动的新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎患者、疑似病人、密切接触者的劳动合同?

      Can an employer terminate the employment contract with an employee who is confirmed to have 2019 novel coronavirus, is a person under investigation, or is a close contact and, therefore, is unable to provide normal labor during the quarantine and treatment/medical observation period or as a result of the government’s implementation of quarantine measures or other emergency measures, on the grounds of redundancy or dismissal without cause (i.e., expiration of the medical treatment period, incompetence, or a major change in the objective circumstances based on which the employment contract was concluded)?


      No. In accordance with Article 42 of the PRC Employment Contract Law, the employee should be specially protected by the Labor Law, so the employer may not terminate its employment relationship with him/her on the grounds of redundancy or dismissal without cause.

      Q12 企业能否直接以员工感染新型冠状病毒被隔离治疗、留验、观察为由解除其劳动关系?

      Can an employer directly terminate employment with an employee because he/she is quarantined for treatment or check-up or under medical observation due to the novel coronavirus infection?


      No. If it terminates its employment relationship with him/her, such termination shall be deemed to be wrongful.

二 其他相关问题 Other Related Questions

      Q1 如企业因受疫情影响导致生产经营困难的,如何保障企业正常生产经营秩序?

      How to maintain its normal production and operation order if an employer faces difficulties in its production and operation activities due to the impact of the existing epidemic?


      According to the Circular on Implementation of Supporting and Protective Measures in Response to the Pneumonia Outbreak Caused by the Novel Coronavirus Infection issued by the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, if an employer faces difficulties in its production and operation activities due to the impact of the existing epidemic, it may discuss with its employees to maintain staff stability by adjusting wages/work shifts, shortening working hours, or using other means to avoid layoffs or lay off as few employees as possible.

      Q2 企业是否有权利收集和报告员工的出行信息等相关资料?

      Does an employer have the right to collect and disclose the travel and other information relating to its employees?


      Yes. Both employers and their employees are obliged to cooperate with the government in the investigation of infectious diseases and may not withhold any such information.


      In accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the LPCID, all entities/individuals within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall cooperate with the disease prevention and control institutions/medical institutions in their investigation, examination, sample collection, quarantine and treatment, and other preventive and control measures related to infectious diseases and shall truthfully provide relevant information. None of the disease prevention and control institutions/medical institutions shall disclose any information or materials relating to personal privacy. In accordance with Article 31 of the LPCID, all entities/individuals that become aware that a person is confirmed to have an infectious disease or shows symptoms of possibly having an infectious disease should promptly report to the competent disease prevention and control institution/medical institution.


      Where an employer collects and monitors information related to its employees as required by the local epidemic prevention authority, these employees shall not refuse to cooperate with it. The employer should, as required by other competent government departments, do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and its employees should also actively cooperate to fulfil their due obligations as a citizen.


      Where an employer collects any information related to its employees according to its own management needs, it should well communicate with its employees. The employer should collect information to the reasonable extent required by the implementation of epidemic prevention measures and may not improperly disclose any personal information so collected. If an employee shows symptoms of possibly having an infectious disease, the employer may not disclose any information so collected to any third party without permission, except to the competent disease prevention and control institution/medical institution.

      Q3 如员工拒绝配合提供个人健康信息,是否可能构成违纪?

      Will an employee be deemed to have committed a violation of specific work discipline if he/she refuses to provide his/her health information?


      This will be determined on a case by case basis. If the employee shows symptoms of possible novel coronavirus infection, and his/her employer is obligated to report to the regulatory authorities in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, his/her non-cooperation may constitute a violation of work discipline.

      Q4 受疫情影响,劳动仲裁的时效应如何确定?

      How to determine the applicable statute of limitations in labor arbitration under the impact of the existing epidemic?


      If a party concerned is unable to submit a labor dispute for arbitration within the statute of limitations due to the impact of the epidemic, the statute of limitations for arbitration shall be suspended and shall recommence on the date the causes of the suspension are eliminated.


      If a labor and personnel dispute arbitration institution is unable to hear a case within the applicable statute of limitations due to the impact of the existing epidemic, the statute of limitations may be extended accordingly.


      Note: This FAQ is only for providing information purpose and shall not constitute formal legal opinion. The information herein is the interpretation based on existing published polices and speech of officers from regulatory authorities till 29th Jan 2020. If there is any otherwise or contrary opinions or instructions from competent authorities or people's courts subsequently, the applicable opinions or instructions shall prevail.

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