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Dentons Shanghai Office Advises the Clients on Their Manufacture Investments in Ethiopia

On 4th October 2016, witnessed by the special representative of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Mr. Xu Shaoshi, Chairman of National Development and Reform Commission of P.R.China, and Mr. Hailemariam Dessalegnthe, the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, in the golden autumn of October in China and at the time when the rainy season is just over in Ethiopia, the Investment Agreement for Sunshine Ethiopia Wool Textile Project is executed by and between Jiangsu Sunshine Co. Ltd. and Ethiopian Investment Commission in the office of the Premier of Ethiopia. The Investment Agreement and its Appendixes signed this time, are drafted in English and Chinese by Hunter Hua, Senior Partner of Dentons Shanghai Office and his team members Daniel Zhu, Joyce Xu and Neptune Sui; Hunter Hua traveled to Addis Ababa for the negotiation of such agreement. Attorneys from Dentons contributed their experiences and intelligence concerning the manufacture project in Ethiopia by providing valuable advice to the client and accelerated the achievement of this transaction.


This legal service for the investment of Chinese enterprise in Ethiopia is the third manufacture project advised by Dentons Shanghai Office. Hunter Hua team had help Huajian, another client of Dentons Shanghai Office, setup a shoes manufacture company in Ethiopia, and help Huajian  construct an industrial park in Addis Ababa.


Ethiopia is an ancient country located in the middle east of the continent of Africa. Cheap electricity price, plenty of labor resource and political stability are attracting many manufacture enterprises moving their factories there, and have brought an average 11%/ year of increasement in GDP in the past 12 years. But the strict foreign exchange control, complicated and unstable customs, taxes, duty policies and lack of infrastructure make the investment in Ethiopia facing special risks. It becomes a substantial issue for an investor to setup a reasonable transaction structure and make sure all the public facilities needed by the construction and operation ready in advance. How to apply to the encouraged policy or privilege provided by the government of Ethiopia is another important issue for the consideration of any investor. Our legal service experiences of investment in Ethiopia will favor any investors in these issues.


Dentons Shanghai Office shall continue to help Jiangsu Sunshine complete the establishment of the project company in Ethiopua, draft EPC agreement for the manufacture plant and advise the financing of this project until the first phase of this project is put into production.

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